Spatiotemporal partition dynamics of typical herbicides at a turbid river estuary

This study investigated the concentration, distribution, and relationships of two highly used herbicides in coastal ecosystems of China.

Use, exposure, and environmental impacts of pesticides in Pakistan: A critical review

This article studied the occurrence, distribution, and use of pesticides in Air, water, and sediments across Pakistan.

Contamination, exposure, and health risk assessment of Hg in Pakistan: A review

This review article analysed mercury concentrations and risks across media in Pakistan from data published between 1991 and 2021 in 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications. The possible non-carcinogenic health risk (hazard quotient) of Hg was assessed in soil, water, and fish. High risks were calculated for seafood and vegetable consumption, while low risks were estimated for soils and groundwater ingestion and exposure. Overall, children showed higher risks than adults. Last, the risk quotient analysis (RQ) revealed significant risks for aquatic species. RQs showed that multiple species, especially those with smaller resilience, could face long-term detrimental impacts. High, medium, and low risks were calculated from 66.66, 16.17, and 16.17% of the reported Hg concentrations.

Vanadium pollution and health risks in marine ecosystems: Anthropogenic sources over natural contributions

Vanadium is part of many industries and products, and its use has increased significantly over the last two decades. Our research gathered information from over 250 articles and found that the concentration of vanadium in marine organisms has similar trends to worldwide use and production of vanadium. Here, we further investigated multiple characteristics of vanadium in coastal ecosystems (sediment, water, biota) and its ecological and health risks. There is a need further to explore the hazards and toxicity of this metal and set new guidelines to protect aquatic species that, from the available data and reported concentrations, are likely to be at risk under our SSD analysis. Vanadium is a rarely investigated heavy metal despite similarities with other traditional elements like arsenic or mercury. Nonetheless, it has gained significant importance in our society, whereby it is essential to control and monitor its occurrence and distribution.

Characteristics of Enhanced Heatwaves over Tanzania and Scenario Projection in the 21st Century

Temperatures are increasing; we used R to calculate and predict heatwaves magnitude, intensity, and occurrence.

Exponential Functions

Dataset Across fields, we want to explore how our data changes with other variables. In many circumstances with an equation that is different from linear. Exponential equations are among the most common ones, and Excel may be one of the straightforward and simplest software to do them.

Typical herbicide residues, trophic transfer, bioconcentration, and health risk of marine organisms

This article study ecological and human health risks of atrazine in Jiaozhou Bay, China

Automated Data Download

One of the advantages of R is the ability to get resources directly from source pages. This post will show you some helpful code when you want to get many files from web pages, saving a lot of time and structure everything nicely.

Create folders and files with for-loop

As an environmentalist, I have worked with historical data and modeling. Some programs will need you to have individual folders and individual data files with certain extensions for each day, month, year, or study location that you want to analyze.

Outstanding Resume with RMarkdown in 30 min

R has been updating drastically in recent years. Different packages will help you with the right tools (YAML, CSS, js, fonts) to get sophisticated outputs. We will use pagedown as a package to design different documents, among them resumes.