PhD in Environmental Science, current
Beijing Normal University
Ms in Environmental Science, 2020
Beijing Normal University
BSc in Marine Biology and Genetics, 2017
The University of Queensland
Welcome to the personal page of Roberto Xavier Supe Tulcan. Here you will find relevant information about myself along with publications, tutorials, events and projects. Contact me for academic assistance, and project planning. I enjoy working in multiple fields.
From my blog
Responsibilities include:
General introduction to statistical analysis for environmental science using R
General introduction to landscape ecology and landscape metrics using R
Vanadium is part of many industries and products, and its use has increased significantly over the last two decades. Our research gathered information from over 250 articles and found that the concentration of vanadium in marine organisms has similar trends to worldwide use and production of vanadium. Here, we further investigated multiple characteristics of vanadium in coastal ecosystems (sediment, water, biota) and its ecological and health risks. There is a need further to explore the hazards and toxicity of this metal and set new guidelines to protect aquatic species that, from the available data and reported concentrations, are likely to be at risk under our SSD analysis. Vanadium is a rarely investigated heavy metal despite similarities with other traditional elements like arsenic or mercury. Nonetheless, it has gained significant importance in our society, whereby it is essential to control and monitor its occurrence and distribution.